Bones Motor Sports LLC Patent Pending 16mm 1/8th scale Hybrid Progressive Pack pistons with adjustable top
plates made from 150 Delrin. This set fits the following brands: Tekno, Associated, Xray, Sworkz, and Sparko
This complete kit allows you to build 8 shocks and includes
the following:
(8) low profile lock nuts
(8) All holes open top plate
(8) 12 holes open top plate
(8) 9 holes open top plate
(4) Progressive Pack pistons marked 765
(4) Progressive Pack
pistons marked 654
(4) Progressive Pack
pistons marked 543
(4) Progressive Pack
pistons marked 432
(4) Progressive Pack pistons marked 321
*Please Note these Pistons are manufactured with tapers and
non concentric circles to get the shock effect.
Bones Motor Sports LLC is elevating their 16mm Hybrid
Pistons to the next level with the release of progressive pack pistons. See below for the additional features of the
Progressive Pistons:
- Progressive/softer landing allowing you to get back on the
throttle faster
- Increased corner speed
- Same low speed grip and bump handling
- Same adjustability with the current adjustable top plates.
If you were running our standard 16mm Hybrid Pistons, below
is the piston conversion chart to the Progressive Pack Piston:
Original piston marked 1.7 = Progressive Pack piston marked
Original piston marked 1.6 = Progressive Pack piston marked
Original piston marked 1.5 = Progressive Pack piston marked
Original piston marked 1.4 = Progressive Pack piston marked
Original piston marked 1.3 = Progressive Pack piston marked
QR Codes for background and installation instructions and a video on changing the top plate without completely tearing down the shock.
**Please note the Instructions tab for background and installation instructions . A Video on how you can change the top plate without completely dissembling the shock in the image area.